We're here to help
Call us today on
+353 91 7000 10
If you’re a new customer
…there are just two points to remember:
- From now on, your repayments should be made directly to us — not your original lender
- If you can’t keep to the arrangements we agree between us, you must let us know straight away so that we can consider a more manageable repayment plan. Please call +353 91 7000 10 or email us at: [email protected]
Link Financial Variable Rate Policy Statement
- The interest rate on standard variable rate mortgage loans may change. For further details, please click here.
We’re committed to doing the right thing for you.
Covid-19: Financial Difficulties
If you have been financially impacted by Covid-19 we are here to help. We encourage you to engage with our experienced team regarding any concerns you may have in meeting your loan repayments during this challenging time.
We recognise that you may be impacted through no fault of your own, and we have several solutions in place depending on your circumstances.
We’re here 9.00 am to 7.00 pm Monday to Thursday and 9.00 am to 5.30 pm on Fridays. Please have your Link Financial reference number to hand when you contact us and include it in any written communication.
Please contact us today on 353 91 700010
Make a payment - Customers in Ireland
It’s quick and easy to do, especially online.
Need help paying?
If you’re concerned about the money you owe Link Financial, please call us on +353 91 7000 10 and we will do our best to deliver a positive outcome for you.
Pay Online
Make an online
Making your payments online is a secure, immediate and easy way to pay.
The ‘Pay online’ link will take you to our secure payments page where you can submit your card details. Once we have processed your payment you will receive a confirmation via email.
Pay online
Regular Payment Plans
We want to help
If your account is overdue, or in default, we expect you to repay all the money you owe as soon as possible.
If you’re not able to do that, we may be able to arrange a regular payment plan for you. A payment plan allows you to repay your debt over a period of time.
To qualify for a payment plan, you’ll need to be totally open with us and tell us why you’re not able to pay the entire debt straight away.
We’ll want to be certain that you can keep to your payment plan taking into account your income, essential outgoings and any other financial commitments you may have.
Please don’t ignore the problem — it’s not going to go away
It’s important that you take action now. We want to work with you to help you get your finances back on track, as we’ve done with thousands of other people in the same situation.
If you wish to apply for a payment plan please download the personal budget form here and return it to us once completed.
Please send the completed form to:
Link Financial, 16 Briarhill Business Park,
Ballybrit, Galway, H91 FFH1, Ireland
Settling your account
If you are able to make a final settlement offer or increase your regular repayments
Settling your account
If you find yourself in a position where you have sufficient funds to propose a realistic final settlement figure (in the form of a lump sum), please let us know.
Your offer will be considered based on the total amount you owe us and your individual circumstances. We’ll let you know quickly if your offer is accepted and, if it is, the rest of your debt will be written off on receipt of your payment
Increasing your regular payments
If you have a payment plan with us and wish to increase the payments, you’ll need to complete a new Personal Budget Form so that we can consider a new arrangement. You can download the Personal Budget Form here.
Please send the completed form to:
Link Financial, 16 Briarhill Business Park,
Ballybrit, Galway, H91 FFH1, Ireland
email: [email protected]
Debt Advice
Unlike commercial debt management companies, which usually charge for their services — so
increasing your total debt — the Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS), the State’s money advice service and debt advice charities are impartial and free to use.
You may also find it helpful to take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions page.
If you decide to seek advice on your position and options, you should have the following information to hand:
- Details of all your debts;
- Details of your income (Including any benefits and/or pensions you receive);
- Details of your household bills and outgoings;
- Details of any assets you own.
We recommend the following support organisations:
Money Advice & Budgeting Service (MABS)
Insolvency Service of Ireland (ISI).
These organisations will go through your situation, explaining the jargon and suggest how you can start to get to grips with the problem.
You can also check your credit rating by sending a request to the Central Credit Register
The Central Credit Register is a new secure system for collecting personal and credit information on loans of €500 or more – read more …
Under the terms of the Central Bank of Ireland’s ‘Code of Conduct on Mortgage Arrears’ Link Financial has implemented a four step Mortgage Arrears Resolution Process (MARP) designed to help Borrowers whose mortgages are in arrears or at risk of going into arrears.
Link Financial Standard Financial Statement
The Central Bank of Ireland’s ‘Lending to small and medium sized enterprises regulations’ aim to ensure that when dealing with Borrowers who are faced with financial difficulties, Lenders assist Borrowers to meet their obligations, or otherwise deal with the situation in an orderly and appropriate manner.
Treating customers fairly
When it comes to managing your finances, 99 per cent of the time things run smoothly. But should a problem crop up, we’ll do whatever’s necessary to help you solve it.
Everyone at Link Financial knows and accepts that each customer — irrespective of their circumstances — has to be treated fairly and with respect. We will listen carefully to what you have to say, take full account of your circumstances and work to find a positive outcome for you. In the end, we’re here to solve problems, not create them.
However there may be occasions where you think we could have done better.
Our Complaint Handling Procedure is clear and simple. It gives customers an easy way to contact us when they need to complain, and in turn, allows our business to give the complaint the attention it deserves and resolve any issues fairly and without delay.
Our dedicated Complaints & Dispute Resolution Team are here to assist you with your concerns and can be contacted by post, email or telephone:
The Complaints & Dispute Resolution Team.
Link Financial, 16 Briarhill Business Park,
Ballybrit, Galway, H91 FFH1, Ireland
Telephone: +353 91 7000 10
Lines are open:
Monday to Thursday 09:00 to 19:00
Friday 09:00 to 17.30
Email: [email protected]
View our Complaint Handling Procedure here.
Frequently asked questions
Who are Link Financial?
The golden rule.
I didn’t borrow any money from Link Financial, so why do I have to pay you?
I’ve mistakenly sent a payment to my original lender: is that a problem?
Will you be adding interest to my debt?
I can’t pay this debt in one go. Can you help?
I don’t owe this debt
Will you take legal action against me?
Now I’m an Link Financial customer, am I on a “credit blacklist”?
But will I always have problems getting finance?
I’ve repaid my debt but that’s not showing on my credit report. Why not?
What if I’m being advised by a debt management company?
I can’t see a way out of my financial difficulties. What can I do?
1. Give us a call and talk to us.
2. Get some independent, expert help. We recommend Step Change — their debt advisory service is free.
Contact Us
We’re here 9.00 am to 7.00 pm Monday to Thursday and 9.00 am to 5.30 pm on Fridays. Please have your Link Financial reference number to hand when you contact us and include it in any written communication.
Phone: +353 91 7000 10
Email: [email protected]
Post: Link Financial, 16 Briarhill Business Park,
Ballybrit, Galway, H91 FFH1, Ireland